07/21/2024 Dr. Askari will attend the 79th SWCS International Annual Conference and will offer a symposium on the application of geophysical methods for soil and water conservation.

07/17/2024 Adrian Moazzam has received the Finishing Fellowship award from the Michigan Tech's Graduate Dean. Congratulations!

12/11/2023 Adrian Moazzam and Sananda Ray presented their reseach at the AGU's fall meeting, 2023.

10/20/2023 Mary Herrmann-Foley, a Michigan Tech's alumnus, gave a talk about the contribution of geoscienstis to energy transition. She was Dr. Askari's invitee.

09/05/2023 Dr. Rachel Phillips, YouTube Geo Girl, visited Michigan Tecn and Dr. Askari's group.

08/07/2023 Dr. Askari attended the Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS) annual meeting in Des Moines, Iowa to present the SoilX project research, centering soil moisture estimation using an intelligent radar system.

08/04/2023 James Davis successfully passed her proposal defense. James is now a PhD candidate. Congratulations to James!

05/04/2023 James Davis has joined our team. James will work on cavitation in fluid-filled fractures. Welcome James!

04/27/2023 A paper titled "Stochastic inversion combining seismic data, facies properties, and advanced multiple-point geostatistics" authored by our former team member, Mohamed Mohamed Abuzaied, has recently been published in the Journal of Applied Geophysics. The paper is based on the output of Mohamed's master's dissertation. Congratulations to Mohamed for his good work.

04/20/2023 As an invited speaker, Dr. Askari will give a talk in the Department of  the Department of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics (ME-EM) at Michigan Tech. The title of his presentation is "(I) Effect of Deformation on the Thermal Conductivity of Granular Porous Media and (II) Experimental Study of the Percolation of Ferrofluid in Porous Media Under a Magnetic Field."

04/16/2023 Dr. Askari has been elected as the Michigan Tech's Senate Secretary.

31/03/2023 Sanada Ray successfully passed her proposal defense. Sanada is now a PhD candidate. Congratulations to Sananda!

03/23/2023 Dr. Askari receives the National Science Foundation’s prestigious Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award.

01/03/2023 Sanada Ray successfully passed her qualifying exam. Congratulations to Sananda!

25/02/2023      A PhD position is available.

01/19/2023 Dr. Askari has launched his website.

01/19/2023 Dr. Askari launches his twitter account.